Stimulating, success-oriented, and networked

The drinktec trade fair as a launch pad for the beverage industry

Experience the trend topics of the industry! As always, JUMO also has a lot to offer. Everything is covered from networked sensor solutions, to innovative data visualization, to comprehensive reporting. All solutions are tailored to the specific requirements of the food industry and can be combined with complementary engineering services upon request. You have complete control over the effectiveness and profitability of your processes. See for yourself and arrange a trade fair appointment today!

Intelligent solutions for CIP and SIP processes

Intelligent solutions for CIP and SIP processes

Sensors, control, and software from a single source

Smart automation for CIP and SIP

CIP and SIP processes are complex and time-consuming. Consequently, it is important that they run safely and automated. Equally as important is that the parameters of the individual process steps are automatically documented. The JUMO variTRON 500 and the JUMO smartWARE family allow the individual program steps to be defined and parameterized quickly as well as easily via a touch display. Data evaluation can be performed from any location via JUMO smartWARE Evaluation, the JUMO Cloud, or JUMO smartWARE SCADA.

Cost reduction through miniaturization of process connections

Conductivity measurement in small pipe diameters

Its stainless steel housing and the new JUMO tecLine mini process connection make the new JUMO digiLine HT10 not only look sharp, but also a functional all-rounder. After all, it allows easy integration into smaller pipe diameters and has numerous interfaces such as 4 to 20 mA, Modbus, or I/O Link. The powerful package is rounded off by the precise concentration measurement of cleaning media.

JUMO digiLine HT10 as a clever all-rounder

JUMO digiLine HT10 as a clever all-rounder

Water well monitoring

Water well monitoring - save time and benefit from automation through JUMO products

The basics of water well monitoring

Save time and resources

When operating water wells in the beverage industry, temperature, level, conductivity, pH, and flow must be monitored and reported to the responsible authorities. Often, several water wells that are located apart from each other are managed together, so that a high degree of manpower is required. The JUMO digiLine series can be used to set up an extensive sensor network for all measurands which can then be visualized in the JUMO Cloud. Automation is also possible via the JUMO variTRON 500. This way, multiple water wells can be automated and monitored remotely which significantly reduces the amount of work required.

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Make an appointment

Sabine Hauß

Trade fair management


+49 661 6003 2825 Make an appointment now