Bachelor of Engineering

Industrial Engineering - Specialization: Automation

Studying and shaping the future on the side? No problem! With the dual study program at JUMO. Are you looking for a course of study that allows you to combine engineering and business content while always keeping an eye on the "big picture"? Are you constantly on the lookout for the optimal concept? Do you want to make a decisive contribution to the future success of JUMO in product management? Then the industrial engineering program - specializing in automation - is just right for you.


  • Fachgebundene bzw. allgemeine Fach-/Hochschulreife
  • Gute Leistungen in Mathematik (Leistungskurs), Deutsch und Englisch
  • Interesse an technischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen
  • analytische Fähigkeiten, konzeptionelle Denkweise und eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise
  • Organisations- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie Durchsetzungsvermögen
  • Abgeschlossene Ausbildung im elektrotechnischen, metalltechnischen oder kaufmännischen Bereich von Vorteil

Organizational principles

  • The dual study program combines a scientific study with a practice-integrated training in the company.
  • The dual study program is carried out in cooperation with Fulda University of Applied Sciences.
  • Examinations for the completed modules take place at the end of the theoretical phases.
  • The 7th semester is used, among other things, to write the bachelor's thesis.
  • The degrees of accredited dual study programs are equivalent to those of universities and universities of applied sciences and allow access to master's degree programs at universities in Germany and abroad.
Theory phases basic studies with lectures in the modules mathematics, fundamentals of electrical engineering, computer science, control engineering, fundamentals of micro- and macroeconomics, fundamentals of logistics, personnel management and cost accounting, etc.
Advanced studies in the specialization of automation and robotics
Practical phases application and consolidation of theoretical knowledge in practice
Participation in projects
Elaboration of practical projects

After graduation

  • Opportunities to be taken on in middle management or at middle management level

  • Wide range of fields of application, including product management, industry management, sales, purchasing, project management or quality management

  • A wealth of opportunities for further training and promotion are available

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Dein Ansprechpartner

Duális tanulmányok

Felix Wenzel +49 661 6003 3650 +49 661 6003 3650