Sensor technology and automation for renewable energy

Are you looking for a partner to optimize your processes in the field of renewable energy and who will work with you to advance the energy transition? Someone who understands the many challenges of renewable energy and who can help you achieve maximum efficiency as well as sustainability with every energy source. Our systems and solutions range from the sensor to the cloud: for applications in wind power or hydropower, solar or geothermal energy, in hydrogen energy, or bioenergy. Our Engineering department can also successfully implement special and complex requirements for you.

Let us inspire you!

Customized sensor technology and automation for renewable energy

For us, renewable energy is not only a focus industry, but also a matter close to our hearts. So you can be sure that our products, systems, and solutions are precisely tailored to the specific requirements of the individual energy sources. Perfect interaction between sensor technology, automation, and evaluation ensures a high energy yield – even in the harsh environment of onshore and offshore wind farms, in explosion protection for H₂ applications, or in the early detection of leaks in geothermal heat exchangers.

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